CINNG - Submit Records

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Please enter all the species you found during your survey, and include as many attributes as possible.
Step 1
Select a species first
SpeciesPresentQuantityLife stage/SexRecord TypeIdentified ByCommentSensitivityPhotos
Butterfly bush | Buddleja davidii
flowering plant
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Carolina watershield | Cabomba cariloiniana
flowering plant
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Hottentot fig | Carprobrotus edulis
flowering plant
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Pink purslane | Claytonia sibirica
flowering plant
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Pink purslane | Claytonia sibirica
flowering plant
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Australian swamp stonecrop | Crassula helmsii
flowering plant
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Large flowered waterweed | Egeria densa
flowering plant
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Canadian waterweed | Elodea canadensis
flowering plant
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Japanese knotweed | Fallopia japonica
flowering plant
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Giant rhubarb | Gunnera sp.
flowering plant
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Giant hogweed | Heracleum mantegazzium
flowering plant
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Floating pennywort | Hydrocotyle ranunculoides
flowering plant
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Orange balsam | Impatiens capensis
flowering plant
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Himalayan balsam | Impatiens glandulifera
flowering plant
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Curly waterweed | Lagarosiphon major
flowering plant
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Water primrose | Ludwigia grandiflora
flowering plant
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American skunk cabbage | Lysichiton americanus
flowering plant
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Parrot's feather | Myriophyllum aquaticum
flowering plant
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Pick-a-back plant | Tolmiea menziesii
flowering plant
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In the box under species start typing the common or scientific name of the species you are recording, then select the correct option from the drop down list which will appear. You can also use the star symbol (*) to mean anything when searching for species names (for example *bat). For information about sensitivity please refer to the Sensitive Records page.